The inspiring story of Namissa Thera Sow, a Malian designer who has turned her passion into commitment. Discover how she is helping to enhance local craftsmanship and promote ethical, responsible African fashion.
Inaden, a brand of leather goods made in Africa
Discover Inaden, an ethical, high-end leather goods brand that promotes African know-how and advocates responsible consumption. Meet Natty Ngoy, its passionate founder, who tells us the story of this committed entrepreneurial adventure.
La Mode Européenne, a unique concept of solidarity stores
Discover La Mode Européenne, a creative fashion brand that gives a second life to unsold European goods while promoting African know-how. Meet Baptiste Lingoungou, the brand’s committed founder, who tells us the story of this human and entrepreneurial adventure.
Panafrica: a brand of sneakers made in Africa
Discover Panafrica, a brand of ethical and committed sneakers that promotes African know-how and contributes to the continent’s economic development. Meet Vulfran, its passionate co-founder, who tells us the story of this entrepreneurial and human adventure.
Anne Grosfilley, anthropologist specializing in African textiles
From the vibrant patterns of wax to the intricate weavings of Kenté, African textiles tell rich and diverse stories. Passionate anthropologist Anne Grosfilley plunges us into the heart of a little-known universe, revealing the cultural depth and identity behind each thread.
Thierry Bernath, expert in press relations, influence and partnerships
Thierry Bernath, press relations expert and connoisseur of African issues, gives us the keys to successful communication, far from clichés and standardized approaches. A dive into the heart of a fast-growing market, where authenticity and understanding of local cultures are the watchwords.
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