Scent of Africa


Inaden, a brand of leather goods made in Africa

Inaden, a brand of leather goods made in Africa

Discover Inaden, an ethical, high-end leather goods brand that promotes African know-how and advocates responsible consumption. Meet Natty Ngoy, its passionate founder, who tells us the story of this committed entrepreneurial adventure.

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La Mode Européenne, a unique concept of solidarity stores

La Mode Européenne, a unique concept of solidarity stores

Discover La Mode Européenne, a creative fashion brand that gives a second life to unsold European goods while promoting African know-how. Meet Baptiste Lingoungou, the brand’s committed founder, who tells us the story of this human and entrepreneurial adventure.

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Panafrica: a brand of sneakers made in Africa

Panafrica: a brand of sneakers made in Africa

Discover Panafrica, a brand of ethical and committed sneakers that promotes African know-how and contributes to the continent’s economic development. Meet Vulfran, its passionate co-founder, who tells us the story of this entrepreneurial and human adventure.

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