African Fashion Week Paris celebrates African creativity in Paris

by | 21 September 2024 | Mode

African Fashion Week Paris is dedicated to showcasing, educating and empowering African fashion to a global audience. The initiative aims to foster cultural exchange and support the growth of African designers. The event aims to highlight the community's impact across continents.

First edition of African Fashion Week Paris

On September 26, 2024, African Fashion Week Paris (AFWP) opens a new chapter for African fashion with its inaugural event “Le Premier Voyage”. Set in Le19M’s La Parcelle cultural garden, this first edition showcases African creative industries through fashion, music, culture and gastronomy.

Visitors will discover collections by African designers who reinterpret traditional know-how with a contemporary approach. Among them, Iamisigo, directed by Bubu Isigo, explores African craft techniques. Victor Hart fuses African and Italian heritage in his hand-woven pieces. Finally, Emmanuel Okoro, co-founder of Emmy Kasbit, offers timeless creations featuring Akweté, a typical Nigerian fabric.

Fashion Shows and Conferences

In addition to the runway shows, African Fashion Week Paris features a conference on the visibility of African designers on the international scene. Influential figures such as Marie Jeanne Serbin Thomas, founder of Brune Magazine, and Thomas Mondo, expert in luxury brand strategy, will share their thoughts on the challenges of visibility for African designers.

The conference will be hosted by Ramata Diallo, founder of the Africa Fashion Tour media. She is a journalist, teacher and business coach. After a career as a salaried employee, she founded Fashion Consulting Paris, an agency specializing in the fashion business.

Afterparty African Fashion Week

After the discussions, guests will enjoy a musical evening. They’ll be able to acquire exclusive pieces and savor gastronomy inspired by the African continent.

African Fashion Week Paris is dedicated to showcasing, educating and empowering African fashion to a global audience. The initiative aims to foster cultural exchange and support the growth of African designers. The event aims to highlight the community’s impact across continents.

Reserve your tickets now to experience this unique celebration of African fashion in Paris, by following this link. For more information, follow @afwparis on Instagram.

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