Amy Faye, Senegalese model represented in Paris, London and New York

by | 8 October 2024 | Podcast

Professional volleyball player and holder of a master's degree in finance, Amy Faye talks with humility about her fashion shows for Jean-Paul Gaultier, Balmain and Balenciaga. This interview reveals the determination of a woman who seems to stop at nothing.

Amy Faye never dreamed of becoming a model

Amy Faye offers us a unique perspective on his atypical career in the fashion world. Her career began almost by chance. Indeed, she tells us how she developed a passion for modeling despite an initial limited interest and introverted nature.

Amy Faye kicked off her career with the Dakar Elite competition. This first unexpected victory was a decisive step. She began traveling from Senegal to fashion capitals such as Paris, New York and London. She speaks enthusiastically of her collaborations with major luxury brands and Senegalese fashion labels.

Professional volleyball player and holder of a master’s degree in finance, Amy Faye talks with humility about her fashion shows for Jean-Paul Gaultier, Balmain and Balenciaga. This interview reveals the determination of a woman who seems to stop at nothing.

Amy Faye Tongoro

The journey of a determined entrepreneur

Throughout her career, she has navigated between the West and Africa. Today, she has founded a modeling agency, Afaye Agency, with the ambition of detecting and training the supermodels of tomorrow. She wants to offer opportunities to African models on the continent and beyond.

Amy Faye also discusses the challenges she has faced in an environment often perceived as superficial and competitive. She stresses the importance of education and diverse skills to succeed in modeling. Through her experiences, she reminds us that fashion is much more than just an appearance: it’s a means of expression, a vector of culture and a space for creativity.

A fashion enthusiast with an entrepreneurial spirit, she recently launched her own clothing brand, La Sokhna. Fluidity and comfort are the watchwords of her collections, presented through a dedicated Instagram account. Logically, she is the muse of this new initiative. Just as she continues to work regularly with Senegalese brands such as Tongoro, Alia Baré and Algueye.

Every week, Africa Fashion Tour continues its exploration of Africa’s cultural and creative industries. With interviews with passionate entrepreneurs who ask themselves questions about diversity and representation. Each of the podcast’s guests has moved from questioning to action, proposing concrete solutions and virtuous business models to promote Africa through soft power.

Amy Faye Alia Bare

photo credit: @chanel, @tongoro, @aliabaré

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