Cotton, Benin’s white gold

by | 18 October 2024 | Mode

Benin is Africa's second-largest cotton producer, just behind Mali. In the 2022/23 season, the country produced over 580,000 metric tons of cotton, according to official figures.

Association Interprofessionnel du Coton du Bénin signs partnership agreement with Better Coton

The Association Interprofessionnelle du Coton du Bénin (AIC) will play a key role as a strategic partner for Better Cotton. AIC oversees the cotton harvesting and ginning structures, and facilitates relations with the industry’s stakeholders in Benin. This strategic partnership will strengthen engagement with farming communities and other stakeholders.

Eustache Kotingan, President of AIC, said: “The launch of Better Cotton in Benin is a national initiative. It will enable our producers to strengthen their resilience through more sustainable practices.” The agreement was formalized at a meeting in Cotonou on October 8. The two organizations discussed the opportunities and challenges associated with cotton growing.

An ambitious program to support over 200,000 small cotton growers

Better Cotton continues its expansion in West Africa with the launch of a new program in Benin. The aim is to promote more sustainable cotton production in the region. Over 200,000 small-scale cotton farmers will be involved in adopting sustainable farming practices. The program aims to improve their livelihoods while helping them adapt to the effects of climate change.

Lena Staafgard, COO of Better Cotton, said: “Better Cotton’s presence in Africa is growing all the time. The movement for more sustainable cotton production is gaining momentum. We will work with new and old partners to maximize the benefits.”

Benin, Africa’s second-largest cotton producer, commits to sustainability

This new program in Benin joins Better Cotton’s existing initiatives in Africa, notably in Mozambique, Egypt, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire.

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