Jacqueline Ngo Mpii, founder of Little Africa

by | 13 November 2024 | Podcast

Jacqueline Ngo Mpii is much more than an entrepreneur. She's a true ambassador of African culture, a bridge-builder who invites us to open our horizons and rediscover Paris, the capital of fashion.

Little Africa: a window on African culture in Paris

In the capital of fashion, a young woman of Cameroonian origin has undertaken a singular mission: to bring the richness and diversity of African culture to Paris. Jacqueline Ngo Mpii, founder of Little Africa, invites us on an unprecedented journey to the heart of the City of Light, where African history and traditions mingle with everyday life.

A career marked by travel

Jacqueline Ngo Mpii’s career has been punctuated by encounters and experiences that have shaped her vision of the world. From her first jobs as an animator abroad to her studies in tourism, she has always been attracted by different cultures. It was during a stay in Mexico that she became aware of the importance of promoting cultural diversity, particularly that of Afro-descendants.

Little africa statue

The birth of Little Africa

Back in Paris, Jacqueline was confronted with the fact that African culture is often reduced to clichés or misunderstood. Determined to make a difference, she created Little Africa in 2014. Initially, the agency offered guided tours to discover the traces of Africa in the capital. But its activities soon diversified: publishing tourist guides, cultural events, partnerships with artists…

I want them to be able to understand this African presence, this black presence and what it means historically and contemporarily.

A global vision of “black culture

Little Africa is not just about Africa. Jacqueline Ngo Mpii wants to show the diversity of the continent and its diaspora. She highlights the historical and cultural links between Africa and other continents, particularly the Americas. The agency’s ambition is to facilitate understanding of the African presence, of the black presence. The aim is to present the historical context and bring a contemporary vision to the reading of African travels around the world.

Little africa

An impact beyond borders

Thanks to her work, Jacqueline Ngo Mpii has succeeded in reaching a wide audience and arousing real interest in African culture. Little Africa has become a reference point for all those wishing to discover another face of Paris. The agency also helps strengthen ties between the capital’s African and Caribbean communities.

Jacqueline Ngo Mpii is much more than just an entrepreneur. She is a true ambassador of African culture. She’s a cultural ambassador who invites us to open up our horizons and rediscover our city. Thanks to Little Africa, Paris reveals itself in a new light, richer, more mixed and more fascinating.

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Des histoires de mode africaine

Chaque épisode est une invitation à voyager en Afrique. Dans un monde où les algorithmes ont tendance à réduire la variété des contenus diffusés, Africa Fashion Tour veut amplifier la voix des créatifs  du continent africian. L’ambition de ce podcast est aussi de déconstruire les à priori sur la mode africaine qui ne saurait se limiter aux clichés du wax et du boubou.
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