Nynyryke Goungou, committed fashion and fabric designer

by | 23 October 2024 | Podcast

Five years after starting her research, she now works closely with African artisans to enhance the value of local textiles. Together, they reinvent traditional materials to adapt them to the tastes of the international market. Her unique collections are the fruit of an exchange of knowledge between Europe and Africa.

A journey through cultures and creativity

In this interview, Nynyryke Goungou, founder and creative director of a well-known brand, talks about her career. Originally from Togo, she grew up in Italy. Today, she shares her experiences between Europe and Africa. Her company is based in London, but her production is strongly linked to Italy and Togo.

Even as a child, she showed an interest in the arts. In between her dreams of becoming a painter or a dancer, she made her own dance outfits from damaged tights. Highly creative, she was already responding to requests from friends who also wanted to wear her creations, even though she didn’t know how to sew at the time.

After studying art, a teacher encouraged her to choose between art and fashion. Her parents, reluctant at first, hoped she would become a notary or lawyer. However, her desire to create led her to pursue fashion studies in Milan.

Nynyryke Goungou

Training and finding your way

During her studies, she discovered textiles by chance. Although her initial focus was solely on creating collections, she realized that textiles would play a key role in her future. After completing her studies, she felt lost. Despite this, she continued her training in Paris, in lingerie. There, she finally understood the importance of mastering every stage, from design to garment manufacture.

Returning to Italy after a year, she worked in several fashion houses. She specialized in fashion pattern-making and industrialization, skills that she put to good use in the service of major companies. But she soon realized that her office role didn’t suit her. She needed to think outside the box and express her creativity to the full. So she decided to set up her own business.

Nynyryke Goungou

From local production to international craftsmanship

Thanks to her different skills, she set up her own company and built up a team. She draws inspiration from textiles for each collection, choosing colors and patterns. She also shares her knowledge with her team, who help her produce the garments. At first, those around her found her creations too eccentric. Her mother advised her to streamline her approach to better reach her target audience.

At the same time, his travels in Togo made him aware of the difficulties faced by local artisans. The Togolese market, still very much focused on wax and traditional fabrics, is struggling to establish itself internationally. So she decided to help these artisans modernize their techniques while preserving their know-how. This process took time and effort, as working remotely with Africa poses many challenges.

International ambitions

Five years after starting her research, she now works closely with African artisans to enhance the value of local textiles. Together, they reinvent traditional materials to adapt them to the tastes of the international market. Her unique collections, the fruit of an exchange of knowledge between Europe and Africa, reflect the very essence of her career: a bridge between two cultures, where creativity and artisanal expertise combine to offer authentic, modern creations.

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