Tanal Ghandour, founder of the Scent of Africa perfume brand

by | 28 July 2024 | Podcast

Tanal Ghandour has succeeded in creating a cosmetics and perfume brand with strong roots in Africa. By promoting local manufacturing and responding to market needs, he has established himself as a key player in the industry. Scent of Africa continues to grow, with the ambition of becoming a globally recognized African luxury brand.

Creating a pan-African perfume brand

Tanal, founder of Scent of Africa, is of Lebanese origin. He arrived in Africa in 1985, fleeing the war in Lebanon. Settling with his uncle in Senegal, he began working in locally manufactured cosmetics. From 1985 to 1996, he learned the tricks of the trade. In 1996, he moved to Ghana with his younger brother to set up their own cosmetics and perfume company for the mass market. Today, he has been in the business for almost 40 years.

Tanal mainly targets the local population. In West Africa, purchasing power is low. As a result, it manufactures adapted products at very affordable prices. Products include creams, hair products, ointments, gels and shampoos. Distribution is concentrated in West Africa, where road transport is more economical. Shipping by ship and container becomes too costly for local markets. Tanal therefore ensures that its products remain accessible.

Tanal Ghandour, founder of the fragrance brand Scent of Africa 1

Creating a Made in Ghana brand

Everything is made locally in Ghana. The company has its own factory, where it designs and manufactures everything, including the packaging. Chemists develop the formulas and the raw materials are imported. The company manufactures everything from A to Z, from brand creation to marketing. This all-African value chain often comes as a surprise, as in the past, there were doubts about the quality of products made in Africa. Today, demand for “Made in Africa” products is booming.

The genesis of Scent of Africa

The idea for Scent of Africa was born when Tanal, along with his brother, wanted to pay tribute to Africa. Seeing a map of Africa, they decided to create a fragrance representing the continent. The marketing concept seemed good, but they needed to think about a business model and a relevant positioning. Tanal wanted to create a high-end fragrance distributed selectively. The team approached renowned perfumers to create unique fragrances. Each fragrance tells the story of an ancient legend, based on African mythology. Since its creation, the brand has always launched duo fragrances, with a version for men and one for women. Today, there are 8 fragrances: Nefee, Rakh, Laïka, Hagé, Bellua, Bézi, Gléti, Fik

Tanal Ghandour, founder of the Scent of Africa 3 perfume brand

The success of Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa is now available in several African countries, with record sales on Ethiopian Airlines and at Ghana airport. The brand is present in countries such as Angola, Burkina Faso, Congo, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Kenya, Djibouti, Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia, Mauritius, Reunion and the Caribbean. Tanal is focusing on the African continent before exporting the brand to the West. The brand is also available online via Lux Afrique Boutique and Ajabu Africa.

Tanal has succeeded in creating a cosmetics and perfume brand with strong roots in Africa. By promoting local manufacturing and responding to market needs, he has established himself as a key player in the industry. Scent of Africa continues to grow, with the ambition of becoming a globally recognized African luxury brand.

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