The 72 hours of Guinean Textiles

by | 2 August 2024 | Mode

The 72 Hours of Guinean Textiles is not just an event, but a movement towards a future where Guinean textiles shine on the international stage, supporting the local economy and celebrating Guinea's rich cultural heritage.

The wealth of Guinean textiles

Guinea is a country rich in culture, distinguished by its music and textiles. Textile manufacturing traditions are deeply rooted in the country’s history. Divided into four natural regions, Guinea offers fabrics unique to each region, representing a veritable heritage. There’s also the notion of “matrimoine”, particularly with regard to dyeing, which is often handed down from generation to generation by women, bearing witness to this ancestral know-how.

In Guinea, there are four main fabric families, each associated with a specific region and know-how. These fabric families come in countless variations, reflecting the creativity of manufacturers and fashion designers:

  • Leppi – Middle Guinea
  • Sacred Forest – Forest Guinea
  • Kendeli – Lower Guinea
  • Bakha – Upper Guinea
The 72 hours of Guinean textiles

Leppi from Guinea

Guinean fashion is supported by the government

The Guinean government, determined to promote and preserve local textiles, supports initiatives such as the 72 heures du Textile Guinéen. This annual event, organized by the Coordination Générale de la Mode en Guinée – Cogemode and supported by Cité des arts, aims to connect fashion designers and fabric manufacturers with buyers from around the world.

For this second edition in Brussels, the organizers were able to count on the presence of Moussa Moïse Sylla, Guinea’s Minister of Culture, Tourism and Crafts, and Mrs. Savané Aissatou Doukouré, Guinea’s Ambassador to Belgium. Also in attendance was Mr. Sven Huyssen, Director of Operations for Enabel, the Belgian development agency working in several African countries to support cultural and creative industries.

The 72 hours of Guinean textiles

Guinea Kendeli

The Kaadé brand

Among the designers present was Binta Diallo, founder of the Kaadé brand. She came all the way from Conakry to present her collection. A fervent promoter of made in Guinea, she has been using Guinean fabrics in all her collections since the launch of her brand. She works closely with her sister Aminata Diallo, director of the Kpaaf sewing school in Conakry. Together, they work to promote Guinea beyond its African borders. Binta travels between Paris, Conakry and Abidjan, presenting her collections and promoting local crafts. She creates limited-edition collections, systematically integrating various Guinean fabrics.

An economic and cultural challenge

The promotion of Guinean textiles goes beyond the events sector. Indeed, developing a complete textile sector represents a major economic opportunity. Imports of fabrics and finished products could threaten this local industry. However, the Guinean government, through the Office National de Promotion de l’Artisanat headed by Mrs Marie Somparé, is keen to accelerate the development of self-sufficient fashion. This office has launched a labeling program for Guinean fabrics, with Leppi labeling in 2023 as a first step.

Today, Guineans show a strong interest in local textiles. At celebrations, tailor-made outfits made from local fabrics are worn with pride. Guinean style is recognized throughout West Africa. The 72 heures du Textile Guinéen offers a unique opportunity to export this style worldwide, thus contributing to the preservation and enhancement of this cultural heritage.

The 72 Hours of Guinean Textiles is not just an event, but a movement towards a future where Guinean textiles shine on the international stage, supporting the local economy and celebrating Guinea’s rich cultural heritage.

Photo credit: La Marque Kaadé by Binta Diallo

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