Thierry Bernath, expert in press relations, influence and partnerships

by | 12 January 2025 | Podcast

Thierry Bernath, press relations expert and connoisseur of African issues, gives us the keys to successful communication, far from clichés and standardized approaches. A dive into the heart of a fast-growing market, where authenticity and understanding of local cultures are the watchwords.

Deciphering the African market for successful communication

Thierry Bernath, an expert in press relations, influence and partnerships, has been running his own agency for over six years, and is a specialist in marketing strategies who has forged a unique expertise in the African market. With over twelve years’ experience as Communications Director for the Amina media, he shares with us his valuable insights into the African cultural and creative industries market.

From journalism to press relations

Thierry Bernath’s career is rich and varied. After studying journalism and gaining a master’s degree at the ULB in Brussels, he began his career in journalism, notably with France Télévisions. He soon realized that the way news was handled did not correspond to his vision of the profession. An opportunity in advertising for Africa then presented itself, offering him a new perspective on the workings of the media, particularly the commercial aspect and advertising revenues. This experience gave him a 360° view of the media, understanding the importance of journalistic content, circulation and advertising revenues.

Thierry Bernath and Halima Gadji

A formative experience for Amina

His twelve-year experience at Amina was a milestone in his career. There, he worked not only as advertising director, but also as communications director, managing partnerships, themes, shoots and covers. This deep immersion in an African media enabled him to develop a thorough knowledge of the market and its specificities.

Expertise at the service of Africa

With a wealth of experience and a solid network, Thierry Bernath decided to set up his own agency in 2018, at a time when influence and digital were taking center stage in the media landscape. He proposes a global approach to press relations, including public relations and influence marketing. He emphasizes the complexity of influence, in particular the subjectivity of content creators in relation to the entity that is a media outlet.

Thierry Bernath, expert in press relations, influence and partnerships

The specificities of the African market

Thierry Bernath believes that understanding the cultural specificities of the African market is crucial. An authentic, respectful approach is essential, as opposed to simply transposing Western strategies. The expert compares the approach of brands in Africa to that in Asia, where considerable efforts are made to identify the expectations of local consumers. As a result, he calls for greater listening and understanding of African realities.

The danger of a standardized Western approach

Thierry Bernath criticizes the “copy-paste” approach of certain Western brands in Africa, which fail to take account of local specificities. He stresses the importance of surrounding oneself with experts who know the terrain, in order to adapt communication strategies and avoid mistakes.

The Bamako forum and an alternative vision of African fashion development

Far from over-industrialization, Thierry Bernath believes that the development of African fashion should be part of an endogenous approach that respects artisanal traditions. This conviction was born of a striking experience at the Bamako fashion and design forum, where he realized that authenticity, creativity and the link with local craftsmanship are the real strengths of this fashion.

Trusting and promoting local know-how

Thierry Bernath is optimistic about the future of Africa’s creative industries. He emphasizes the confidence of the players and the growing value of local know-how. He encourages African designers not to blindly follow the Western model, but to develop their own path, drawing on their traditions and creativity.

Thierry Bernath’s interview sheds valuable light on the challenges of communications and the development of the creative industries in Africa. His expertise and committed vision invite us to rethink traditional approaches and value African authenticity and know-how. To find out more, listen to her full interview on the Africa Fashion Tour podcast.

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