Benin, one of Africa’s leading cotton producers, is embarking on an ambitious transformation of its textile industry. From the cultivation of white gold to the manufacture of “Made in Benin” garments, the country is betting on adding value to its local production and creating jobs. An industrial and textile revolution is underway.
Launch of the African Fashion Development Initiative (AFDI)
An ambitious vision for African fashion: AFDI is committed to supporting designers, promoting innovation and building a sustainable, ethical ecosystem. Find out more about this promising initiative
Fire ravages Kantamanto market
The Kantamanto market is the Mecca of the informal economy, a crossroads where thousands of people found their livelihood. Beyond the commercial aspect, this market was a place for meetings, exchanges and solidarity. Its fire therefore had repercussions far beyond material losses, directly affecting the livelihoods of many families.
Culture Pagne, the documentary series on African fabrics
Culture Pagne is an educational documentary series that invites viewers to discover the history of Africa through its textiles, exploring a variety of themes from colors to weaving techniques. With the expertise of Anne Grosfilley and an intergenerational approach, this project makes the richness of Africa’s textile heritage accessible to all.
Miss Guinea election
Under the impetus of Aminata Diallo, Miss Guinea has become much more than an event. It’s a genuine social project aimed at empowering women and promoting diversity. Thanks to her unwavering commitment, the contest today embodies the hope of a new generation.
Building African Fashion, the initiative co-founded by Udochi Nwogu
Building African Fashion is the fruit of an unprecedented collaboration. The platform’s mission is to transform the African fashion sector through the promotion of diversity and partnerships with industry stakeholders.
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