Daffa Konaté, ambassador for contemporary African art

by | 22 July 2024 | Podcast

Through Art Kelen, Daffa Konaté continues to break down barriers and bring the richness and diversity of contemporary African art to the international stage. Her unwavering commitment to the promotion of African art is to be commended, as she is a true inspiration for generations to come.

Daffa Konaté is a true ambassador for the promotion of contemporary African art. Now based in Dubai, she is passionate about promoting contemporary African art. After a well-established career in the international associative world, Daffa decided to move into the art world. Since then, she has been working to change stereotypical perceptions of Africa. Through her artistic creations, she shares her unique vision of contemporary African art.

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Ibrahima Gningue, Goumbele series

A faultless academic record

Born and raised in the Paris region, Daffa Konaté has always been steeped in the cultural richness of Africa. After obtaining her baccalauréat, she studied economics in France, before continuing her studies in Montreal, where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in economics and a certificate in demography. Her interest in international solidarity then led her to obtain a degree in this field in Paris, where she worked in NGOs and associations for almost ten years.

Art Kelen’s creation

Expatriate in Istanbul, Daffa felt the need to breathe new life into her career. Inspired by a visit to the Village des Arts in Dakar, something clicked. She decided to create an agency to promote contemporary African art. Art Kelen’s mission is to change perceptions of Africa through art. Daffa naturally surrounded herself with emerging artists. She sought to develop a platform to support their creativity and artistic expression.

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Didier Gnepa, the show

Promoting African art

For Daffa Konaté, Art Kelen is more than just a business venture. It’s a mission, a vocation. Her aim is to raise public awareness of the richness and diversity of contemporary African art, while providing a platform for artists to express their unique vision of the world. As a curator of artists, Daffa strives to promote the creativity and talent of emerging African artists, while breaking down stereotypes about African art.

The power of representation

Daffa Konaté is an emerging voice in the world of contemporary African art, whose determination and passion have opened up new vistas for artistic expression and cultural recognition. Through Art Kelen, she continues to break down barriers and bring the richness and diversity of contemporary African art to the world stage. Her unwavering commitment to the promotion of African art makes her an influential figure on the African art scene, poised to inspire and transform the art world for generations to come.

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